Have had a busy week, not much time for anything apart from work, doctor's appointments,MRI's,housework and popping things on ebay for my DH and DS. Sounds quick when they say 'let's pop this on ebay' but I am the only one that 'pops' things on ebay, hahaha.
Have a date this weekend with 'operation tidy up garage' with DH. Not the most fun task but he has been awfully patient with the kids using it as their dumping ground lately.
Both my DS and DD have had changes in their living conditions over the past year and have scaled down considerably from where they were living and you guessed it, the excess ended up in DH's garage.
Now DH's garage is not your usual garage. DH was and still is an avid motor sport enthusiast and he was a driver of some note. His garage is his pride and joy.
It is 12 square, tiled , airconditioned, has a lounge room, pool room, 2 storage rooms, toilet and workshop area, memorabilia gallery and it does garage 1 car and a car trailer. It sounds rather over the top when I put it all on paper but if you knew my man well, he is rather over the top himself, a huge personality and his garage matches. Anyway the kids have made it a bit of a dumping ground and it has made him rather stressed to say the least, so this weekend is 'G' day, hopefully the end result will make him less stressed.
Hope to catch up with some scrapping over the weekend at some time. Have to finish off my 'international'card swap cards, which are all planned and construction is underway, so should finish those over by the weekend, hope to make the post Monday. Next I have some ATC's to do, planned (hope they go a little more to plan than my cards did, I think I am overthinking the design a bit too much) then some challenges for ARTastic and the LSBS 4-7-11 to tackle. Enjoy your weekend and we will chat soon. Ciao.....
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